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Last updated - August 09, 2023

The Toward Hemelslinn NFT collection is based on a space opera novel by the italian novelist Maurizio Feruglio.

Regarding the work, the same author wrote:

I began writing Toward Hemelslinn with the intention of writing a work on the psychological implications of a crew adrift in space. But, from the very first pages, the characters had taken over, dragging the story in a different direction. The narrative has evolved; Toward Hemelslinn it then turned into a science fiction novel, a space opera, or space epic. The sci-fi setting, however, is only the backdrop for an adventure: the story of the Delphís crew, who meet love and friendship on their travels.

This is an abstract of the work:

In the distant future, humanity spread over millions of planets under the aegis of Galaxias. Interplanetary travel is the prerogative of a small elite of galactic corporations that monopolize the mineral resources necessary for interstellar navigation. Humanity, relegated to colonized planets, lives in a period of obscurantism. The danger of despotic domination and the restrictions of freedom is ever more palpable.

To thwart the impending coup, the Delphís crew plans a revolution that will free humanity from the yoke of oppressors. A peaceful revolution that will allow space travel on a large scale, giving humanity the opportunity to express its full potential in the arts, sciences and exploration of the galaxias.

In the middle of the mission, the Delphís crew finds themselves near an unknown planet. The only hope of surviving is to land there. They will get to know an ancient culture; the key to the past, present and future.

A wide-ranging space work. A love beyond time. An exciting adventure with food for thought on freedom, friendship and diversity.

Ebooks Toward Hemelslinn In association with each NFT of the Toward Hemelslinn NFT series, a personalized copy of the ebook of the novel Toward Hemelslinn will be made available free of charge. The customization will concern the cover and the identification data of the THL NFT within the ebook. After minting, a gallery will be available in a section of our website that will allow you to download the ebook. To download the ebook you will need to connect your wallet. The gallery will display the THL NFTs present in the wallet and will propose the download of the related ebooks. In real time a copy of the THL NFT will be inserted in the ebook, identification codes of the NFT will be added and the resulting ebook will be downloaded. The hash of each personalized ebook will be stored in the Toward Hemelslinn Smart Contract in the Ethereum blockchain.

Each owner of THL NFT will also be able to order hard copies of the novel with unified cover at a heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests.

Initially the novel will be distributed in Italian, subsequently, as Starmap 1.0 progresses, the novel will be translated into English by a professional translator. The ebooks in English will be made available free of charge to all THL holders. The ebook download procedure will be the same as that previously described. The paper version in English with unified cover will also be available to all THL holders at heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests.

Hard book Toward Hemelslinn

During a further advancement of Starmap 1.0, the THL Community will be asked to choose one or more languages ​​into which to translate the novel Toward Hemelslinn. Also in this case, a professional translator specialized in the chosen language will be chosen. Even ebooks in this language will be made available free of charge to all THL holders. The ebook download procedure will be the same as that previously described. This paper version with unified cover will also be available to all THL holders at a heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests.

As Starmap 1.0 progresses, the author will write a screenplay for the novel Toward Hemelslinn, which will then be translated into English. This screenplay will be the basis of a series of comics (see the Comics page) and Visual Novel game (see the Visual Novel page). This screenplay will be the basis for the eventual development of an animated movie or live action. This possibility will be defined in Starmap 2.0.

As the final phase of Starmap 1.0 the author, Maurizio Feruglio, will begin the writing of a new novel, the sequel to Toward Hemelslinn.

The team invites you to join our THL Community and become a part of Galaxias. An exciting adventure awaits you!

Join our THL Community.

Book trailer - 02:00 min.