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Last updated - August 09, 2023

Toward Hemelslinn Novel NFT (THLN) As the Toward Hemelslinn team we plan to publish several NFT collections that will be grouped under the name Toward Hemelslinn Galaxy NFT.

The first paid collection we will publish will be Toward Hemelslinn NFT (THL).

Thereafter, several collections will be available for minting. Some free (plus gas tax), others heavily discounted for THL holders.

All Toward Hemelslinn NFT (THL) owners will get one NFT of each of the Toward Hemelslinn Galaxias (THLG), Toward Hemelslinn Novel (THLN), and Toward Hemelslinn Human 3D (THLH3D) collections free of charge for each THL they own (excluding gas fees). To inquire about these collections visit the Collections section of this WhitePaper.

THL holders will be placed on a whitelist that will allow them to pre-mint the Toward Hemelslinn Human (THLH) collection at 50% of the retail price (excluding gas charges).

All these collections could be registered on a different blockchain, such as Polygon or Solana. We could then expand the THL Community to include more people and give the whole THL Community the opportunity to trade on other blockchains. However, we will always ask the THL Community's opinion before choosing the type of blockchain.

But the launchpad feautures do not end there!

FoxmojiAs a team we already have in development a new NFT collection that is completely different. The protagonist of the collection will be a fox (Foxmoji) and will have an associated story written specifically for the collection. The name of the collection is yet to be determined, but Will, our very talented artist is working on it hard. All owners of at least one of the Toward Hemelslinn Galaxy NFTs will be entered into a whitelit for early purchase of the NFTs at a discounted price.

Last but not least, as the minting campaigns progress we will make collaborations with teams of promising projects for inclusion of NFT owners from our THL Community in their whitelists.

Toward Hemelslinn Galaxy collections

Toward Hemelslinn Galaxias collection