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Last updated - August 09, 2023

Toward Hemelslinn Novel NFT (THLN) A Discord server has been made available for anyone interested in our collections. This popular chat system allows for managing complex digital communities and is perfect for managing our THL Community. The name of our Discord server is Toward Hemelslinn NFT.

It can be reached through invitation links with no expiration date:

To avoid spam, the server requires authentication by phone number verification done directly from Discord.

There are several roles of varying importance in our Discord server. The ever-increasing roles have more privileges and facilities.

The basic role @everyone only allows access to the two verification channels. If verification is not passed, the user will not be able to join any of our other channels.

For all users who pass verification, the Phobes Citizen role will be assigned.

The first 500 users who register in the server will also be given the OG Prixian Citizen role and will be considered the senior members of the THL Community. They will have exclusive privileges from time to time, such as special contests.

Both Phobes Citizen and Prixian Citizen will be able to advance in role.

Everyone who earns the next Galaxias Citizen role will be placed on the WhiteList for the Toward Hemelslinn NFT (THL) presale minting.

There are three ways to get to the level to acquire the Galaxias Citizen role:

  1. The first is to be active in the Discord server. Server activity is monitored in a specific channel. The more the user actively participates in discussions in the various channels of Toward Hemelslinn NFT Discord Server, the more he or she will level up and be able to achieve the role of Galaxias Citizen. ☒ Note: Any kind of automated bots are prohibited in our server. The user who uses these systems will be leveled down to zero. If he is a repeat offender he will be banned from the server.

  2. The second way is to review the Toward Hemelslinn NFT collection on X (Twitter), blogs, Instagram or Youtube. By placing the review link in a specific γ€ŒπŸŒ γ€interstellar channel, the Team will increase the user's score to level up (the check will be manual and thus the progress display will not be instantaneous).

  3. Third way: giveaways will be distributed from time to time. Winners will receive the role Galaxias Citizen.

Anyone who has the Galaxias Citizen role will log into the γ€ŒπŸŒŒγ€galaxias-citizen channel to enter their Wallet address and thus enter the Whitelist.

Two other roles will be assigned to THL NFT holders. An automatic system allows the user to check the THL NFTs in his possession and, depending on the amount of NFTs possessed, will assign him one of two special roles: Hemelslinn Citizen and DelphΓ­s Crew. With these roles, the user will be able to participate in exclusive chat channels and contests. He/she will also be able to have more say in decisions about the Toward Hemelslinn Community.

Other roles available are management and reserved for moderators and the Toward Hemelslinn team, such as Quantico, Wise, Second Guide and First Guide.

Additional roles may be added in the future to meet needs as they arise.

If a THL Community Citizen leaves our Discord server he/she will lose the roles, levels, XP and whitelist spots that were assigned to him/her.

A detailed description of all roles can be found in the γ€ŒπŸ‘·γ€roles channel of our Discord server.

Our Discord server consists of many information, entertainment and conversation channels, divided into categories, such as:

  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ WELCOME 】──────【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ INFORMATIONS 】─【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ THL NFT 】──────【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ FOR HOLDERS 】──【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ WHITELIST 】────【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ FUN & GAMES 】──【 🌟
  • πŸŒŸγ€‘β”€γ€ THL SPECIALS 】─【 🌟

For a detailed description of all channels you can enter the γ€ŒπŸ“Œγ€channels channel of our Discord server.

Join our THL Community.

Join our THL Community Discord

Join our THL Community Discord