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Last updated - August 09, 2023

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Work begins on drawing the star systems and the hundreds of features that distinguish them.

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Development of the Toward Hemelslinn website. Set up of Discord and X (Twitter) channels.

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Development of the Toward Hemelslinn Novel website. Development of the Toward Hemelslinn Ebooks website for NFT THL owners. Completion and testing of the Smart Contract.

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Marketing Campaign. Launch an influencer marketing campaign, referral program, and collaboration agreements with other collections. Enhanced social media strategy and community building on X (Twitter) and Discord.

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Release Candidate

Presale of THL NFTs (Ethereum Blockchain - NFT ERC-721A). During the presale, which is reserved for whitelisted fans, the minting price will be Ξ 0.08 (ETH). THLs can be minted through this website by connecting your MetaMask wallet. An ebook copy of the novel personalized with the NFT image on the cover (in Italian) will also be released free of charge for each THL. Hard copies with uniform cover (in Italian) will also be made available at a heavily discounted price.

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Start of the official sales. Ethereum (NFT ERC-721A) Blockchain generation of 10,000 Toward Hemelslinn NFT (THL). It will be possible to mint them through this website at a base cost of Ξ 0.12 (ETH). The works will have varying degrees of rarity with unique characteristics. For each coinage, a free e-book copy of the novel will be published, personalized with the NFT image on the cover (in Italian). Hard copies with uniform cover (in Italian) will also be made available at a heavily discounted price.

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The novel Toward Hemelslinn will be translated from Italian into English by a professional translator and published. For each THL will receive a free e-book copy of the novel, personalized with the NFT image on the cover. Hard copies with a uniform cover will also be made available at a heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests. We will start working on an NFT gallery with properties/rarity filters.

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We will be publish the Toward Hemelslinn Collection on Rarity Tools and other Rarity sites. We will expand our Discord and social media management, which will include the Community Manager and Moderator package to bring our THL Community to all galaxies.

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To strengthen the connection between generative art and literary art, an alternative NFT collection will be produced: Toward Hemelslinn Novel (THLN). Each NFT, in addition to the chapter title, displays one of the 3,400 paragraphs of the novel, in either Italian or English. For each THL owned, the owner will receive a free copy of the THLN collection (plus gas fee). We will publish the Toward Hemelslinn Novel Collection on Rarity Tools and other Rarity sites.

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Some of NFT's work from the Toward Hemelslinn and Toward Hemelslinn Novel collections will be donated to our early adopters and fans.

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The novel Toward Hemelslinn will be translated by a professional translator into one or more languages chosen by the THL Community fans. After publication, a personalized digital copy (ebook) will be available free of charge to the owners of each THL. hard copies with a uniform cover will also be made available at a heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests.

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A new NFT collection is produced: Toward Hemelslinn Human (THLH), featuring all the characters from the novel Toward Hemelslinn. THL owners will be able to pre-purchase the new THLHs at 50% of the official minting price. The collection will be posted immediately on Rarity Tools and other rarity sites.

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A donation fund of 10 ETH will be set up for a charity chosen with the help of the THL Community fans (forest maintenance? tree planting? social aid? animal welfare?).

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Some NFT artwork from the Toward Hemelslinn Human Collection will be donated to our early adopters and our fan base.

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An exclusive Toward Hemelslinn merchandise line will be launched. There will be hats, t-shirts and more!

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The author will write a screenplay for the novel Toward Hemelslinn, which will be translated into English. A series of comics based on the novel Toward Hemelslinn will be produced in Italian, English and in the other languages chosen by the THL Community. A visual novel game will also be published in the same languages. Each THL owner will receive all digital copies of comics series (ebook) and visual novel game free of charge. Hard copies will also be made available at a heavily discounted price. Several hard copies will be distributed free of charge during some airdrop contests.

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We will develop the THL-Human for Metaverse/3D. Every owner of a THL-Human will have a free THL-Human 3D (plus gas fee). The future of this characters will be tracked by each one of YOU, the THL Community!

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Building the longevity of the THL collections for the benefit of the THL Community is our priority! A THL Community Arts Grant Fund of 30 ETH will be launched. Create, design, develop, or build something that the THL Community will appreciate (e.g. additional utilities for THL, additional art, memes, short stories, etc.) and receive funding from the Toward Hemelslinn team. On top of that, 50% of the OpenSea fees will go to the THL Community Arts Grant Found forever!

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Our primary goal is to have a quick and concise launch to complete everything proposed in this Starmap. Next, with the help of the THL Community, we will design the Starmap 2.0. The author will write the sequel to Toward Hemelslinn and every THL owner will receive a free digital copy (ebook). Our ambition is to turn Toward Hemelslinn into a movie, shot in live action or produced in animation with the characters of THL-Human. We wouldn't mind turning Toward Hemelslinn into an adventure video game. It all depends on finding producers who want to work with us and the whole THL Community to realize out the projects. There will also be many other utilities.

Note: the Starmap 1.0 may be subject to change.