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Last updated - August 09, 2023

The novel Toward Hemelslinn novel was initially conceived by the author as a work on the psychological implications of a crew adrift in space. But, from the very first pages, the characters had taken over, dragging the story in a different direction. The narrative has evolved; Toward Hemelslinn then turned into a sci-fi adventure novel, a space opera. After a few years of writing, the novel was now ready for publication.

Being the author a software developer for over thirty years, and having entered the world of cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and NFTs, we have decided to bring added value to the NFT community. We decided to create not a single cover for the novel, but 10,000, in NFT format.

The long-term goal is to build a community passionate about digital art and literature with which to reach ever more ambitious and engaging goals, as is the plot of the novel.

All the stages of the Starmap 1.0 are designed to increase the level of satisfaction of the THL Community and make it participate in the achievements and benefit from them.

Making the THL Community happy will make us happy, who put our faces on it.

The team invites you to join our THL Community and become a part of Galaxias. An exciting adventure awaits you!

Join our THL Community.

Toward Hemelslinn NFT trailer