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Last updated - August 09, 2023

The Toward Hemelslinn NFT Collection, for the security of the owners, will be accompanied by the hashing of each individual NFT and ebook.

Upon completion of the minting, these hashes (provenance records) will be made available along with the Final Proof Hash.

NFTs Provenance

The web page will list the hashes of each individual image and the Final NFTs Proof Hash of all hashes concatenated in sequence.

How the hashing of NFTs works:

Each full-resolution THL image is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. All hashes are inserted, in the order determined by StartingIndex (see the Minting page), into a single text string. This string will be subjected to further SHA-256 hashing. The Final NFTs Proof Hash will thus be obtained.

The Final NFTs Proof Hash will be recorded unalterably in the smart contract. This will attest that no image of the NFTs THL will be modified after minting.

Anyone will be able to read each hash and the Final NFTs Proof Hash, to perform the necessary checks on their NFT THL tokens.

All original NFT images and related metadata will be available on IPFS.

Ebooks Provenance

Because the Toward Hemelslinn NFT collection combines pictorial-generic art with literary art, 10,000 custom ebooks will be produced that will have registered in the smart contract.

On the web page, the hashes of each individual ebook and the Final Ebooks Proof Hash of all hashes concatenated in sequence will be listed.

How the hashing of ebooks works:

Each custom ebook in the collection is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. All hashes are inserted, in the order determined by StartingIndex (see the Minting page), into a single text string. This string will be subjected to further SHA-256 hashing. The Final Proof Ebooks Hash will thus be obtained.

The Final Ebooks Proof Hash will be recorded unalterably in the smart contract. This will attest that no ebooks in the THL collection will be modified after minting.

Anyone will be able to read each hash and the Final Ebooks Proof Hash to perform the necessary checks on their ebooks linked to the NFT THLs.

All ebooks will be available on our website