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Last updated - August 09, 2023

To reinforce the marriage between generative art and literary art, an alternative NFT collection will be produced: Toward Hemelslinn Novel (THLN). It will be basically similar to THL, with 15,000 units, but will have an additional layer. In addition to the title of the chapter, the cover will show one of the 3,400 paragraphs of the novel. The paragraphs will be in English or Italian, for a total of 6,800. For each THL owned, the owners will receive a THLN free of charge (excluding gas fees). The remaining 5,000 THLN will be available for public minting at full price (the price has yet to be established).

To get the THLN for free, we encourage the THL Community to keep their THL at least until the THLN is minted.

The Toward Hemelslinn team will consult with the THL Community to choose the blockchain to use for minting (Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, etc.).

All THLs will be automatically visible on the OpenSea secondary market.

Availability will be announced on Discord.

The Toward Hemelslinn Novel collection will be indexed on Rarity Tools and other Rarity sites.

Toward Hemelslinn Novel NFT example

Toward Hemelslinn Novel collection